The Role Of Oral Motor Therapy in Correcting Open-Mouth Posture


In today’s fast-paced and busy world, the importance of proper oral posture is often ignored. Not many know but, it plays a significant role in overall health and well-being. So, correcting open-mouth posture becomes a crucial goal not only for smaller ones but, for people of all ages.

Improper open-mouth posture could lead to speech difficulties, orthodontic, and respiratory issues. Continuing education in oral motor therapy is very important to understand the relationship between all the interior parts of our mouth.

In this article, we will go through how oral motor therapy serves as a vital tool for correcting open-mouth posture.

Open-Mouth Posture- What Is It?

Open-mouth posture is when an individual continually keeps their mouth open rather than closed. Such posture is often seen in children but, they can also be found in adults as they have been habituated. Adults become victims of open-mouth posture becasue of not receiving proper treatment as a child.

Open-mouth posture often comes with a list of symptoms such as:

  • Dental issues
  • Mouth breathing
  • Orthodontic issues
  • Head and neck posture
  • Speech difficulties

If left unaddressed or do not receive proper treatment can lead to long-term consequences. Some of them are the following:-

  • Sleep disorders
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Decreased self-esteem

Understanding Oral Motor Therapy

If you are a victim of open-mouth posture then correcting open-mouth posture should be your top priority. So, for that one must properly understand the process or method for oral motor therapy. This therapy involves different exercises that are specifically designed to strengthen and improve the muscles used for eating, speaking, and swallowing.

The exercises in this therapy primarily target the relationship between the tongue, lips, and jaw. Moreover, the primary goal of this therapy is to uplift oral motor skills that ease mouth closure and promote nasal breathing.

By following oral motor therapy, individuals can expect:-

  • Improved breathing patterns
  • Speech clarity
  • No dental issues
  • Enhanced mouth health

How Oral Motor Therapy Positively Effects Open-Mouth Posture

There are several techniques and exercises included in oral motor therapy. Individuals with open-mouth postures must do each of them very precisely and routinely. Here are the steps of how they can do so:-


Before commencing therapy, a thorough evaluation by a qualified Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) is a must. The SLP will evaluate the victim’s breathing pattern, current oral motor skills situation, any oral problems, and if there are any anatomical concerns.

Customized Plan

Based on the evaluation process, the SLP will make an efficient therapy plan. This plan will include all the solutions to your problem. Exercises will be planned to keep an open-mouth posture in mind. It will generally include exercises for lip, tongue positioning process, and jaw stabilization techniques.

Implementing Process

The third step of effective oral motor therapy includes implementing. It involves all activities that make exercises fun while targeting your open-mouth posture. Patients might be asked to blow bubbles, drink using a straw, or do chewing exercises.

Progress Monitoring

Speech Language Pathologist will keep regular follow-ups of your progress. Additionally, it's your duty as well to track improvements in muscle strength, coordination, and posture changes. Based on progress, adjustments might be made to the therapy plan which will benefit you the most.

Exercises and Techniques

Oral motor therapy is a series of exercises and techniques. Through rigorous research and continuing education in this field, professionals have developed effective exercises for patients with open-mouth postures. Here are some that one should know of if they are a victim of open-mouth posture:-

Tongue Lifts & Stretches

Tongue lifts typically include lifting the tip of your tongue towards the roof of your mouth. While doing this, the rest of your tongue must be relaxed to do this exercise efficiently. Hold your tongue for 2-3 seconds and then release the tongue back to its starting position.

Stretch your tongue out as far as possible to keep it straight and hold it for a few seconds. After 2-3 seconds, gently release your tongue back to its normal position and repeat this exercise 10-15 times. While doing this exercise, remember to move your tongue side to side and up or down.

Lip Exercise

To strengthen your lips, you will be asked to puck your lips as if you were blowing a kiss. Other than this, you might also be asked to squeeze your lips, lip push-ups, lip-trills, and more. Doing such exercises will enhance the strength of your lips.

Jaw Mobilization

This exercise in oral motor therapy includes self-massage, jaw circles, jaw stretching, lateral excursions, protrusion, and retrusion. It helps you to release tension and improve the range of motion for your jaw. Exercise for your jaw allows you to breathe efficiently and speak properly.

Oral Awareness Exercise

Oral awareness exercises are typically designed to develop awareness of the position, movement, and sensation of the tongue, jaws, and lips. You are required to follow different oral activities to enhance your mouth posture and function properly.

Myofunctional Exercises

This exercise includes a series of movements and activities that are specifically designed to refine the coordination, strength, and function of oral muscles. You will be asked to do a lot of tongue movements, lip movements, jaw movements, and breathing. Some examples of myofunctional exercises are tongue slide, gum chewing, tongue clench, nasal breathing, cheek lifts, jaw releases, and more.

Progressive Resistance Exercises

Progressive Resistance Exercises also known as PREs include a type of exercise that helps increase the resistance of the oral muscles. Exercises in this are used to target the muscles of the tongue, lip, and jaws. Do not conduct this exercise without consulting with the oral motor therapist.


People with open-mouth posture opting for oral motor therapy will be making a life-changing decision. As it plays a crucial role in correcting open-mouth posture by strengthening muscles and coordination for proper oral function.

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